Metal Fabrication Project Planning

When you send out a request for a quote, we understand that there is a lot behind that request. You’ll want to know how much it will cost and how long it will take to get your product. Trust that we understand our customers are busy, with deadlines, schedules, changes, their own customers and vendors and it's critical to get an answer in a timely manner. We want to respond to our customers as quickly as possible, with the most accurate data possible. And that’s why we put together this guide to put us on the same page and get the answers and products you need right away, with the quality you expect from Maloya.

Requesting A Quote: What We Need

metal fabrication quoteThe key to receiving an accurate quote with a faster turnaround rate is providing the right information the first time. Missing details or critical information slows down the process and requires additional calls or emails. Remember, receiving a quotation won’t happen in a matter of seconds but we can eliminate some of the waiting if you provide the following items at the beginning:

  • Legible and well documented drawing or prints
  • CAD (Computer Aided Design) file either in 2D or 3D
  • Quantities required
  • Material information specified (type, gauge (thickness) and finish.
  • Part number, drawing number and or description on print
  • All tolerances on drawings or prints
  • Welding specifications if required
  • Painting/Finishing specifications if required

metal fabrication project quoteTo further explain these points, we would need a clear and legible drawing or print explaining what you need quoted. We would also like a Computer Aided Design file either in 2D or 3D.  Your request must have the quantities and when the parts are required. We would also need to know the material you require, specifically the type of material, alloy, thickness and finish you desire. We need to have a part number and or drawing number. The description of the part would be very helpful. We need a fully dimensioned print including bending radius, hole dimensions, machining callouts, tolerances and more. Also if required, we would need your welding, painting and finishing specifications. 

Planning For Success With Maloya

Maloya offers the team of experts and the state of the art technology and tools to get your metal fabrication project done right. Our years of experience in the industry have given us the expertise needed to get your products fabricated with precision, speed and within your budget. 

We thank our customers for their support over the years and welcome our new customers with open arms. With your help we can get your quote - and your product - out faster.  Contact us today.

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